Increased energy efficiency through competitive metering and energy management software

Thalia GmbH has been Germany’s largest bookstore chain since its merger with Mayersche Buchhandlung in 2019. It operates numerous bookstore branches in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Since 2021, Tengelmann Energie GmbH (TEG) has been supporting the company based in Hagen in the conversion of around 450 electricity meters. For better analysis of the extensive energy data, the EnerBoard is used in the cooperation. Robert Engelmann, responsible manager for strategic purchases, says about the cooperation:

As a multisite company in the retail sector, Thalia is facing a wide range of challenges in energy management, particularly in the current phase. We therefore consider ourselves fortunate to have Tengelmann Energie GmbH, a reliable partner in digital metering point operation, strategic energy procurement and invoice verification, at our side since 2021. – Robert Engelmann, Thalia GmbH

Data transparency through smart metering system

The switch to smart metering systems provides an accurate insight into the amount of energy consumed by digitally recording and then sending the data. The digitization of metering technology creates valuable data transparency that provides insights into store operations and enables consumption to be optimized. In the long term, the smart metering systems thus also improve processes and the workload for responsible employees, among other things. By choosing TEG as the nationwide metering point operator, for example, this already starts with the reduction of corresponding contact persons.

Identifying cost guzzlers at an early stage

As an add-on, EnerBoard provides a convenient and comprehensive overview of energy consumption and corresponding costs. The energy management software processes energy data in aggregated form and provides simplified energy controlling through modern visualization. In addition, the EnerBoard’s early warning function provides automatic notification of deviating consumption behavior. This means that anomalies and potential cost drivers can be identified at an early stage.

In this way, the use of the new metering systems and the associated software increases energy efficiency and allows site-specific optimization of energy consumption.

Cost savings through strategic energy procurement

Since mid-2022, TEG has also been supporting Thalia GmbH with energy procurement and subsequent auditing. TEG’s experienced consultants are always on hand to support the bookselling giant in challenging times.

The TEG contact persons responsible for Thalia are characterized by friendly and excellent communication as well as a target- and solution-oriented approach at all times and therefore enjoy a good reputation across departments. The high degree of initiative is reflected in the fact that optimization potential is also identified and highlighted independently. Measures are always coordinated internally and externally to ensure the best possible overall service. – Robert Engelmann, Thalia GmbH

The 2022 energy crisis necessitated the adaptation of the existing procurement strategy in order to increase flexibility in energy procurement. This strategy was initially developed in joint workshops and adapted to the customer’s individual needs. This led to switch to a more flexible procurement model in which developments on the futures market can be taken into account.

Regular exchanges and the flexible procurement model mean that energy purchasing can respond quickly to changes on the energy market.

This greater flexibility is beginning to show sucess. The cost forecast made at the time for the 2023 delivery year has been significantly undercut.

Based on the trusting and cooperative partnership, Thalia is aiming to expand its business relationship in the years to come, and experience has shown that it can only give retailers an absolute recommendation. – Robert Engelmann, Thalia GmbH

Would you also like to keep an eye on your energy data transparently and save costs in the long term?

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    Energiebeschaffung optimieren und Versorgung sichern
    Energieeffizienz gesteigert durch intelligente Messsysteme und Energiemanagement-Software